kerimedical formation cadaverlab daunois prothese trapezo-metacarpienne double mobilite rhzarthrose

Cadaverlab dual mobility trapeziometacarpal prosthesis Touch® – 1st of June

Cadaverlab dual mobility trapeziometacarpal prosthesis Touch® – 1st of June Our latest training on the dual mobility trapeziometacarpal Touch® prosthesis took place on Friday the 1st of June in Archamps, France. A group of surgeons that specially came from Spain has benefited from the advice and the accompaniment of our teaching surgeons: Dr Daunois, Dr Mouilleron…

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Workshop GAM congress kerimedical orthopaedics hand nerve regrowth protection surgery geneva

GAM Congress 2018

2018 GAM Congress KeriMedical team will be attending the GAM Congress taking place the 25th and the 26th of May ! We will welcome you on booth 4. Friday the 25th of May at 2pm, come to our Workshop about Reaxon®, the nerf protection and regrowth tube made of chitosan. The speaker, the Professeur Emmanuel…

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FESSH Congress 2018 kerimedical hand surgery surgeon trapeziectomy rhizarthrosis prosthesis


KeriMedical team will be attending the XXIII. FESSH Congress from the 13th of June to the 16th at the Hotel and Congress Center Tivoli, Denmark. Come meet us on booth 33 ! Furthermore, KeriMedical invites you at the second international meeting to present the dual mobility trapeziometacarpal prosthesis Touch® and the regrowth and protection nerve tubes…

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kerimedical geneva orthopaedics surgery hand thumb prosthesis training rhizarthrosis arthrosis

2018 GEM Practical Course

Come meet KeriMedical’s team at the 2018 GEM Practical Course ! See you the 4th and the 5th of May at the European Surgical Training Center, Luxembourg.

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groupe kerimedical chirurgiens orthopediques main pouce poignet

Training dual mobility trapeziometacarpal prosthesis Touch® – 13th of April

Training dual mobility trapeziometacarpal prosthesis Touch® – 13th of April Rizarthrosis, also called thumb arthrosis, is a frequent pathology for which one of the treatment is the implantation of a prosthesis. KeriMedical offers trainings allowing orthopaedic surgeons to perform the implantation of our dual mobility trapezometacarpal prosthesis Touch®. Workshop participants benefit from wise advice from…

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kerimedical workshop formation prothese prothesis rhizarthrose rhizarthrosis-dual mobility double mobilite orthopedie orthopaedics training tmc 0604

Training dual mobility trapeziometacarpal prosthesis Touch® – 6th of April

Training dual mobility trapeziometacarpal prosthesis Touch® – 6th of April Supporting orthopaedic surgeons is one of the priorities of KeriMedical. That is why we organize workshops, to give the possibility to the surgeons to discover our dual mobility trapezometacarpal prothesis Touch® for rhizarthrosis treatment. Trainer surgeons lead the new users by guiding them and by…

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kerimedical formation chirurgie main orthopédie hand surgery orthopedics rhizarthrose prothese prosthesis laboratoire 0903

Training dual mobility trapeziometacarpal prosthesis Touch®

Training dual mobility trapeziometacarpal prosthesis Touch® One of the main missions of KeriMedical is to support orthopedic professionals. That is why we strongly believe in organizing trainings on our dual mobility trapeziometacarpal prosthesis Touch®. The 9th of March training took place in KeriMedical laboratories. We were pleased to welcome health professionals together with two trainer…

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